Topic biodiversity - Published 06/02/2023

A Blessing in Disguise: From Fish Venom to Novel Medicines



Every day, scientists make discoveries that help improve human health and wellness. Many medicines are discovered in nature, like toxins from animals. We decided to study a fish called Copper Joe toadfish (Thalassophryne nattereri) and found that a small molecule in the fish’s venom, called TnP, can help damaged organs and tissues. However, before any molecule can be used in humans, it must be tested on laboratory animals. These tests are called pre-clinical trials and are important to prove that a treatment is safe for humans. Our study tested TnP in zebrafish and found that it is safe and has no toxic effects on the developing fish. In the future, scientists can continue researching TnP, and hopefully, someday, it will be developed into a medicine to help thousands of people around the world who are suffering from diseases that cause inflammation.

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