• Question: How does this venom affect our body to reduce inflammation?

    Asked by anon-363717 about A Blessing in Disguise: From Fish Venom to Novel Medicines on 7 Jun 2023
    • Photo: Rodrigo Disner

      Rodrigo Disner answered on 7 Jun 2023:

      Hi Bogdan A., thanks for the question.
      First, it is important to remember that althought the anti-inflammatory peptide tested here (TnP) was isolated from the venom of the fish, they are different things. Animal venoms, in general, are composed of a complex mix of molecules that affect the homeostasis and well-functioning of the body; usually damaging the tissue and cells in the targets.
      When our group started isolating small components of the venom, one by one, and testing individually how they act on the microvasculature (small blood vassels) in the recruitment of immune cells (such as neutrophiles and leucocytes), we realize that TnP, different from the whole venom, reduced the recruitment of inflammatory cell. So, we conducted other studies to prove its anti-inflammatory potential.
      Nevertheless, we are still conducting reserach to better understand exactly how the TnP reduce inflammation, since its mode of action is still unclear.
      That may be the one million dollar question.
      Hope that was clear enough and helpful.
      Best wishes, Rodrigo.
