• Question: How do you give the organoids nutrients to investigate how they absorb them?

    Asked by anon-363451 about Organoids—Mini Guts Help Answer Big Questions About Intestinal Nutrient Transport on 15 Jun 2023
    • Photo: Eva Rath

      Eva Rath answered on 15 Jun 2023:

      Dear Ainara G,

      like cell lines used in biomedical research (see the glossary in the article) organoids “swim” in medium, a liquid that contains everything the cells need to live and grow. In the case of organoids, the medium covers the “jello” in which the organoids grow (the “jello” is actually called Martigel). In Figure 3 of the article in the lower left corner you can find a cartoon of organoids growing in Matrigel covered by medium. The Martigel is in light blue, the medium is pink. The nutrients we give the organoids to investigate how they absorb them are simply added to the medium. Most of the nutrients can be bought as powder an can be dissolved in water, thus we just add a “drop” of nutrients to the medium.
