• Question: How does the T-DNA that the agrobacterium puts into the plant genome capable of changing the plants behaviour?

    Asked by anon-368420 about Agrobacterium: Soil Microbe, Plant Pathogen, and Natural Genetic Engineer on 27 Jun 2023
    • Photo: Ryan Weir

      Ryan Weir answered on 27 Jun 2023:

      A plant’s genome is the complete set of DNA, the full set of instructions that a plant needs to be a plant. A regular plant genome tells a plant how to grow, when to flower and generally how to be an effective plant! When agrobacterium puts its T-DNA into the plant genome it adds new information to the plant’s list of instructions. So now this modified genome tells the plant how to grow, when to flower AND how to do extra things that are contained within the T-DNA.
